Wednesday, July 22, 2009

there's someone I'm waiting for, if it's a day, a month, a year.

got a big ol' lecture about not blogging regularly (it was a week ago!) so I'm blogging. otherwise one of my best friends might disown me. some friend... : )

Ever feel like your life is on the edge of so many paths, so many directions, so many decisions?

That's me right now. There are so many paths I can take, and I'm not sure if I even want to move. I think I need to just be bold, make a decision and run with it. Secretly, I want someone else to make that decision for me, in some way or another. 

I have SO MANY pictures to go through...can't wait to get them up!

song: man who could not be moved. exactly.

1 comment:

  1. haha, maybe "disown" was too harsh of a word for me to use!

    umm, and hello I eat lunch with you so we can make the decisions for each other! i like not having to worry. haha
