Saturday, September 19, 2009

that's what I'm doin' these days.

yes, it may take me two months to get through all the pictures I took this summer, but at least they're up!

songs of the week, on repeat:
My Temperature's Rising: The Audition, and Holes: Rascal Flatts. two complete opposites, I know, but that's me right now.

Earlier this summer I spent the day with the Maile, Ethan & Ridge in Eagle Mountain. I used to be their "Friday" nanny my freshman year of college, and occasionally still get the chance to spend a day playing with them :) it's always such a blast! being the oldest of six, I'm used to being around kids & this whole college thing has made me realize how "kid deprived" I have gotten.

a day with my favorite utah kiddos

I think he's scared of the jumping here, and maile is such a good big sister!

my pretty little maile...her hair is sooo long! when I first started nannying her, her hair was in an adorable little bob, now look at it! I know she just loves it :)

1 comment:

  1. a) i love your pictures. as always.
    b) those kids are so adorable!
    c) i was totally on a rascals kick last week. :) are we roommates? i think so.
