Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yes, I'm a Wasson.

if I could hope for one thing, it is to have a family exactly like mine. as awesome, as crazy, as fun, just as incredible.

my family is the one that arrives late. late to church (we're the overflow), late to a wedding, late on trips unless the grandparents are driving us to the airport and hussling us out the door.

we're the family that listens to preschool music or harry potter on cd in the car.

we're the family that has saturday morning chores, and if friends are spending the night, yes, they help out too.

we're the family that insists on feeding you, even if you just stopped by to drop something off.

we're the family with a game wall. an entire wall (ok, half) full of board games, card games, and pretty much every game in-between.

we're the family that will never own a cat, or any other animal besides fish.

we're the family that speaks English and Spanish, scrambled up between the baby saying gibbered-up Spanish words, Brenna translating for non-speakers, and mom catching the tail-end of conversations.

we're the family with computers. Macs, to be specific. and on that note, three or four candy-colored Mac shells in the garage, a couple regulars, Dad's laptop, and the kids' computer.

we're the family that fights over books. yes, literally. we have a library that is continually evolving and growing, starting with Brown Bear, Brown Bear board book to mom & dad's college teacher books.

we're the family with a routine. dinner is always, always a family affair. the baby goes down at 8 with a book & bottle, brenna is in bed by 8:30, the kids by 9.

we're the family that covets sunday morning brunches with mom's homeade waffles & dad's huevos rancheros.

we're the family with art. giant framed photos of dad's photos, tio's art, abuelito's art, and of course, more photos from dad.

we're the family with oversized red couches.

we're the family that hosts and entertains. all. the. time. work swim parties, family events, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and every one in-between. oh, and other people's family events, birthdays, and graduations.

the family that set up the giant projector for rockband at christmas. and lotr. haha

we're the family that has something green on the table for every meal, no exceptions.

we're the family the hides Shamrock bullet popcicles in the fridge so they won't get eaten. because in my family, you can dibs and label all you want, but doesn't matter if the person who ate it couldn't read. or was Mom.

we're the family that matches. we match for photos, sometimes matching dresses, ties, etc. we pretty much always coordinate for other outings as a family.

we're the family that has the girls do the boys hair. its just always worked like that.

we're the family with nicknames, ridiculous ones especially for the littles. Ryan = RyRy, Jr., Spartan, etc. Brenna = Chippie, Chip, Bren-dog, BD, etc.

we're the family that always gets a real, giant christmas tree.

the best thing? we're all best friends. literally, totally, 100 percent, each to one another in our own way, but all best friends. and I absolutely adore it.


  1. love it! absolutely love it. sounds like a wonderful family and if they are anything like you they must be!

  2. i totally agree, you have an amazing family! love it!

  3. cute leah! i love your family! and i've only met two of the members... :)
