Saturday, February 26, 2011

on a kick.

it's called The Buried Life.

oh, and I'm so on a kick.
it's a show about four friends who make their bucket list, 100 things they want to do before they die, and then...

they do it.
have you ever made your bucket list?
have you ever eliminated anything, because you thought you might not be able to actually do it?

watching this show is incredible because you watch how hard it is to do these things!
try telling a joke on a Late Night Show. these tenacious boys dressed up, got tickets, made billboards, had a plane flown with a banner and in the end, were turned down (and sometimes handcuffed!) by Leno's men, Conans and David Lettermans.

I'm loving this show because in each episode, they find a stranger and try to help them cross something off their own bucket list. the boys have reunited families, flown a Katrina victim to her mother's gravesite and earned money on the street to buy a classroom a new working computer.

I'm inspired by this show, but I'm also slightly discouraged. I'm know I don't have the guts or dedication of the men from The Buried Life.

but maybe I should just start with making my own Bucket List. we'll go from there.


  1. don't get too discouraged girl! remember these guys are PAID to complete their bucket lists, you've gotta do it all on your own! and you totally can! :)

  2. this show sounds awesome. and i agree with katie. look at how much you've accomplished in just the last year! you're amazing. and i love you!

  3. I just love you girls! thanks :) oh, and you TOTALLY have to watch the show, I'm pretty sure it's online! ps. I've been thinking I should have all you girls over for dinner one Sunday (or random day). yes? :)

  4. I have heard of this show before! It definently seems like a good one.
    And don't be discouraged. just try taking baby steps at first with everything you want to accomplish and you will get there. The biggest thing is to believe in yourself. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  5. you're so sweet! and it's so true, one step at a time. starting with a bucket list! :)

  6. This show is one of my favorites! They are willing to go to any length to fulfill their list. Trust me, once you build up the courage to make a list and then complete one item (even if it is something very simple), it becomes easier and easier to have the determination to fulfill other items.
