Thursday, March 10, 2011

from computers to snail mail.

so much skype loving.
tonight I chatted with the fam via skype, and it was great.
it was my littlest brother's 3rd birthday!
that's right folks, I'm young enough to have a 3 year-old baby bro. haha

also. I came home to this surprise on my coffee table:

let's take a closer look.

quite possibly the best letter I've ever gotten, from my 8-year-old sister.
did you read that "p.s."? it says "are you having a baby! Let me know!"
and to the left, "All the hearts is how much I love you!"
I'm pretty much in love with this letter. everything about it.

and from momma, BR $$! such a mom thing, to randomly send us an envelope with kid love and ice cream money. yay!

I can't decide which one I liked better, modern-tech Skype or good old fashioned snail mail!
Don't make me choose.


  1. I'm in love with the 3-year-old in the monkey shirt.

  2. Leah, I seriously cried like a baby when I read your little sisters letter to you. Kids are so innocent and wonderful!

  3. 1) i love that erik is holding a stuffed animal
    2) ryry is SO big! and adorable!
    3) i still think BR is the best!

  4. aw thanks Brit!! I know, I definitely teared up when I got that little letter!
    kate: we will work on getting you RyRy's monkey tee, asap.
    sarah: I know, he's so big, huh?! love you!
